
Within the area of the Mosque of Cordoba you can visit several museums:

San Vicente Museum

The museum of San Vicente exhibits some of the archaeological remains recovered from the ancient Basilica of San Vicente.

Museum of San Clemente

The museum of San Clemente exhibits a wide variety of objects related to the monument, such as the doorways of old chapels, bells, the old clock machinery, tiles, capitals, fragments of the original beams or Arabic inscriptions.

Cathedral treasure

The cathedral's treasure is located in the chapel of Santa Teresa and adjoining rooms. One of the cathedral's main treasures is the Custody of Arfe, carved by Enrique de Arfe. It is 2.63 metres high and weighs more than 200 kilos. It represents a Gothic cathedral with a dodecagonal floor plan, and is made up of two bodies that house the monstrance and an image of the Virgin of the Assumption inside. It was restored in 1735, when Bernabé García de los Reyes added a base and Baroque decorative elements, and in 1966 the virile was haloed with diamonds.

There is a collection of chalices, chalices and ciboria of gold and silver as well as large crosses made of precious materials, one of which was donated to the cathedral by Bishop Diego de Mardones in 1620. The treasury contains some magnificent ivory crucifixes, the most outstanding of which is a 17th century crucifix by Alonso Cano.

Article obtained from Wikipedia article Wikipedia in his version of 01/07/2022, by various authors under the license Licencia de Documentación Libre GNU.