Torre de Hércules

Hercules Tower is a tower and lighthouse located on a hill in the peninsula of the city of A Coruña. Its total height is 55 meters, and it dates back to the 1st century.

It has the privilege of being the only Roman lighthouse and the oldest in operation in the world.

It is the third highest lighthouse in Spain, behind the Chipiona Lighthouse (62 m above sea level) and the Maspalomas Lighthouse (60 m above sea level).

On June 27, 2009, it was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

Until the 20th century it was called the Lighthouse of Brigantia, or in Latin Farum Brigantium.

The origin of the tower is unknown, although it was rebuilt by the Romans in the 1st century.

The Tower of Hercules was built as a navigational beacon and its construction included between the reigns of Nero and Vespasian based on the findings of fragments of terra sigillata and thin-walled vessels dating from between the 40s and 80s of our era.

The inscription at the foot of the tower and the documentary references on the city of Brigantium (A Coruña) reveal the existence of a lighthouse from Trajan's time. At its base, a votive stone with an inscription in Latin was found, which has allowed the architect who created it to be identified as Cayo Sevio Lupo, originally from Aeminium, today Coimbra, in Portugal.

The tower possibly lost its maritime use during the Middle Ages when it became a fortification.

In the 17th century (1682) the Duke of Uceda commissioned the architectural restoration to the architect Amaro Antune, who built a wooden staircase that crossed the vaults to the top, where two small towers are located to support the lanterns. In the reign of Carlos III the complete reconstruction was carried out.

The current facade of the tower is the result of the neoclassical remodeling of the 18th century.

On September 9, 2008 it was twinned with the Statue of Liberty in New York and on the 25th of that same month with the Morro de La Habana Lighthouse, the oldest in America and one of the emblems of Cuba.

Article obtained from Wikipedia article Wikipedia in his version of 13/10/2020, by various authors under the license Licencia de Documentación Libre GNU.